Trust Policy

Legal stuff is for lawyers. Here's what we stand for, in real terms.

If you do want the legal stuff, here's our full Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. Other questions? Reach out to

When my wife and I had our first child, we wanted a way to share photos with loved ones. Facebook + Instagram were too noisy and overrun with ads, influencers, and suggested posts. Text messaging was too clunky and fragmented across our family circles.

So we created PhotoJoy to have a safe place where we could feel good about sharing again. Check out Our Story.

What makes PhotoJoy safer?

All posts are private, and you can control exactly who sees or downloads each post - up to your limit of 99 friends. Screenshots are automatically blocked to avoid unwanted re-shares. We also charge a fee if you want to post more frequently, which keeps us ad-free. At the core, this is how we can ensure your privacy.

There's a saying “If you aren't paying for the product, you are the product”. All those free apps you use? They have costs that need to be covered. If you're not paying for the app, they're doing other things to make money. 

Usually, they collect your information, routines and interests to sell to the highest bidder in the form of ads. In Facebook + Instagram, these ads are getting more aggressive every day. As a publicly traded company owned by its shareholders, they need to keep increasing profits forever. Do these services just become one big invasive ad?  Where does it end?

Having optional subscriptions help cover all our operating costs without compromising your privacy or your experience in the app.

Finally, we only collect only data that is absolutely needed for the app to operate, and store it securely. Your data is not shared or sold and we do everything in our power to keep it safe.

Why should you believe us?

PhotoJoy is owned by the Ethical App Foundation, a non-profit corporation, so there is no reason to drive up fees or compromise your privacy for a few extra bucks. Furthermore, the company can never be transferred or sold because there are no actual owners or shareholders.

PhotoJoy is powered by its community, and owned by its community. Forever.

Have any questions, concerns, or suggestions? Drop us a line at