Because you don't want ads, bots, AI or algorithms fighting for your attention. Because you want to see the latest pictures of your actual friends. Because social media should be for connecting people, not for profit.
Control who can see your photos and decide if friends can download them. Screenshots are blocked to keep your crazy aunt from re-sharing without your permission.
Does it feel like ads are taking over? More get jammed into your life every day. PhotoJoy never shows ads to anyone. Ever.
We are powered by our users, and do not have owners or shareholders. This lets us build the best community, not the most profitable one.
We only collect the basic info needed to use the app. It is stored securely and never shared or sold. If you decide to delete a post or your account, it is fully deleted.
With a limit of 99 friends, you only see your loved ones. Not influencers or that girl you sat near in high school.
Post photos, react, comment, and connect. No AI or algorithms altering your feed. Just be social, without endless scrolling and distractions.
As a community-driven non-profit organization, we will publish periodic reports to remain transparent and accountable. When we obtain 501(c)(3) status (expected early 2025), our financials will be public through the IRS as well.
Unlike other apps, PhotoJoy doesn't show ads or sell your information. Instead, we have pay-what-you-want fees for additional posting.
Can't find what you're looking for? Shoot us an email at
We're looking for supporters who don't mind providing feedback + trying out features that may not be ready for prime time yet. This helps us develop and test a better app for everyone.
In return, we'll give you sneak peeks and free access throughout the app!
Nope! Just a little bit of your time. You'll need to download test versions of the app, which is available through different parts of the app stores. So it can take a little extra work getting set up, but once it is, we make it worth your while!